Calvin's Multiple Diagnoses

Read below to see how Best Doctors Insurance acted like lightning speed to get Calvin the expertise and care he needed.

Calvin had appendicitis that was further complicated by peritonitis. According to medical professionals, his lung disease was progressing quickly. To save his life, he needed an artificial lung and an artificial heart. There were many logistics that had to be arranged within a matter of hours to give Calvin a chance to extend his life.
Best Doctors Insurance acted with lightning speed to get Calvin the expertise and care he needed. From connections to a new hospital in another country, to liaising with the Cardiovascular Association, responses were extremely fast. Best Doctors coordinated a hospital transfer less than 24 hours later. At the time, Calvin was unconscious, paralyzed and connected to a respirator. He arrived at the hospital for his surgery in the evening, and woke up not knowing where he was or what he had been through. Best Doctors Insurance had expedited everything Calvin needed at the best possible institution to save, and extend, his life. Calvin and his family have the utmost appreciation for everything Best Doctors Insurance did for him when he needed it the most.
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